Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why do people give flowers on Valentines?

With the air soon to be filled with the love of valentines day, you may be thinking that you need to head to the store for some flowers for your special valentines' day guy or gal. After all, even if you forget the present, forget the note, and forget the name of the person the flowers are meant for the one thing you should never forget is the valentines' day flowers. Flowers have been a special part of valentines' day for as long as most of us can remember. Maybe is because a red rose symbolizes love, maybe is because girls are supposed to like flowers, or maybe its because flowers are the easiest thing to grab in a hurry next to chocolate for those who do forget until they are about to head home. that's why!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

When I Celebrated Valentines' Day

On February 11, 2012 I celebrated Valentines Day with with my family and other relatives. We went to eat dinner at this restaurant called Columbian Restaurant in celebration were at first I thought this was columbian food but instead it was cuban and spanish cuisine too. So we entered the restaurant, got seated, but before we got seated I took pictures of them and me and told the weitress if she could take a picture of all in the table. When she left the table a weiter came and took are orders. I was so hungry that I did not know what to order. Everything was delicious and strange at the same time. I tried to decide whether to eat meat or seafood, so when the weiter came I ordered seafood with pasta and it was delicious of course. When we all finished eating and they took the plates my mom, dad, the relatives, and me, we all wanted a desert and ordered this lovely, caramel thing called Flan and UMMM!!! it was heavenly delicious too. Besides all that trayectory of food, ordering, and eating we talked for many hours until payment time and decided to walk around the beautiful celebration. That was not ti'll the cold wind stoke us and decided to leave and leave the walking for another less windy moment. we said our goodbyes, well I said my goodbyes in the car because it was freezing cold and so we fled to our homes with a great memory of another beautiful Valentines' Day.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Time in Old Town

Me and my family, we wen't to old town to past the time together and to antique cars and parade. First we were looking for parking but the parking lot was very full. My mom tried to pass the car line that was in the parking lot but when she tried she honked the car for the other that passing and the owner of the told her " shut up" and my mom well she said " you shut up" and we left. So after my mom found a parking we went to eat wings and pizza at Flippers Pizzeria, yet the food was delicious and the desert too, uuuummm!!!. We walked to see the cars and the stores. Looked at all the accessories they haved. There was one store I entered that I really liked, the store sells like weired rocks, dreamcachers, and even carved statues. And I only bought a rock necklace with the first letter of my first name and a matching rock ring with the first letter of my last name and its both very beautiful. And so keept walking, looking, and laughing. When we turned back to watch the car parade all the sidewalks were full that we had find a space to watch it and it was a very long parade that we were tired of standing up. We left the parade after it finished and went back home with all the great fine moments. Eating pizza was great but eating with my family, telling jokes, and walking with them to see old cars was even greater and i'm glad that took the time to be with them. Like I say " LIFE IS SHORT, LET EVERY MOMENT COUNT ".