Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer Vacation!!!!

Summer is a vacation in the summertime between school years in which students and instructors are off school typically between 6 and 12 weeks, depending on the country and district. I am still waiting for my summer vacation, now that I am still finishing my classes, but the bad thing is that I am going to study in my summer vacation. That is bad. Oh well, what can I do school is school and is for my future too.

The May Birth Flower

The flower of may is the lily of the valley. The meaning of this flower is sweetness and humility. The history and traditions surrounding the may birth flower, the lily of the valley is fascinating. There are myths and legends about the origins of this traditions. It is believed that birthday celebrations originated in the roman empire and the origins of birth month flowers.The language of flowers developed during the highly conservative period of the victorian era. The victorians were strongly restricted by the rules of etiquette when it was considered totally inappropriate to express feelings of love or affection. The hidden message of the birth flower was favored during the victorian era is "you've made my life complete".

Monday, April 23, 2012


A Birthstone is a gemstone, usually in the form of personal jewelry and most often in the form of a ring. Each stone is traditionally associated with various qualities that symbolize the month of birth in the Gregorian Calendar.  Modern lists of birthstones have little to do with either the breastplate or the foundation stone of christianity. Tastes, customs and confusing translations have distanced them from their historical origins. Ancient traditional birthstones are society-based birthstones. Early civilizations, such as those in India and Babylon, have attributed gemstones with magical properties and especially to their relationship with the signs of the zodiac.

Final Exams

A final examination is a test given to students at the end of a course of study or training. Most high schools, colleges, and universities run finals exams at the end of a particular academic term. The purpose of the tests is to make a final review of the topics covered and assessment of each student's knowledge of the subject. A final is technically just a greater form of a "unit test". They have the same purpose, finals are just bigger. Prior to the examination period most students in the commonwealth have a week or so of intense revision and study known as Swotvac.In some countries and locals that hold standardised exams, it is customary for schools to administer mock examinations, with formats modelling the real exams. Often, schools will run on a modified schedule for final exams to allow students more time to do their exams.

Astrological Signs

Astrological Signs are equal segments or division of the ecliptic, usually associated with the twelve signs of the Zodiac. There are "sun" signs and "moon" signs, which both depend on your date of birth. Various approaches to measuring and dividing the sky are currently used by differing systems of astrology. Western Astrology measures from Equinox and Solstice points. In Indian astrology, the twelve signs are associated with constellations. During ancient times, people monitored the passage of the sun because it was useful in predicting the change of seasons. Over time, however, people have begun to associate the zodiac sign, or sun's position in the zodiac with birth dates and characteristics.


Monday is the day of the week between Sunday and Tuesday.Te international ISO 8601standard places Monday as the first day of the week, and this is widely used on calendars in Europe and in international business. Modern western culture usually looks at Monday as the beginning of the workweek, as it is typically Monday were adults go back to work and children go back to school after the weekend. Jewish and some christian traditions place Sunday as the first day of the week, and Monday is thus the second day of the week.This is the standard format in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Israel. In Judaism and Islam Mondays are considered auspicious days for fasting. In the Eastern Orthodox church Mondays are days in which the angels are commemorated. In Islam Monday was the day that Muhammad used to fast on, as this was the day he was born. Monday aligns with the celestial body, the moon, and the astrological sign of cancer, and is represented by the symbol of moon.

What is April??

April is the fourth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars, one of four months with a length of 30 days. April is commonly associated with the season of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the northern hemisphere. April starts on the same day of the week as July in all years, and January in leap years. It became the fourth month of the roman calendar, before January and February were added by king Numa Pompilius about 700 B.C. The Anglo-Saxons called April Oster-Monath or Eostur-Monath. The Venerable Bede says in The Reckoning of Time that this month Eostur is the root of the word Easter. He further states that the month was named after a goddess Eostre whos feast was in that month.  

The Color Blue?

Blue is the overwhelming "favorite color." Blue is seen as trustworthy dependable and committed. The color of ocean an sky, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives. It invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming. However, not all blues are serene and sedate. Electric or brilliant blues become dynamic or dramatic, is an engaging color that expresses exhilaration. Indigo, a deeper blue, symbolizes a mystical borderland of wisdom, self-mastery, and spiritual realization. While blue is the color of communication with others, indigo turns the blue inward to increase personal thought, profound insights, and instant understandings. Blue is the least "gender specific" color, having equal appeal to both men and woman.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What causes a Deja Vu episode???

There are several possible explanations for what is occuring during a Deja Vu experience. One possibility is simply the occasional mismatch made by the brain in its continuous attempt to create whole sensical pictures out of very small pieces of information. Looking at memory as a hologram, only bits of sensory information are needed for the brain to reconstruct entire three-dimensional images. When the brain receives a small sensory input that is strikingly similar to such a detail experienced in the past, the entire memory image is brought forward. The brain has taken the past to be the present by virtue of one tiny bit of sensory information. This theory provides a satisfactory explanation for the physical effects of Deja Vu. These appear to be similar to the effects of mismatch between sensory input and corollary discharge signal information to the brain. Another explanation for Deja Vu is that there is a slight malfunctioning between the long and the short term memory circuits of the brain. When this new, recent piece of information is draw upon, the person thinks that the piece is coming from long-term storage and so must have come from the distant past. All of these neurobiologically based explanations for Deja Vu seem plausible and intriguing and perhaps there is some overlap or combination that accounts for the different experiences we call Deja Vu.

St. Patrick's Day!!!!

St. Patrick's Day is the saint religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as religious holiday for over 1,000 years. On St. Patrick's day, which falls during the christian season of lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat waived and people would dance, drink and feast on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage.

The Flower of March-Daffodils

Daffodils are attractive trumpet-shaped perennial flowers that bloom from bulbs during the spring. They are considered to be on of the most popular, colorful vigorous flowers of spring. In fact, the daffodil flowers are the first sign of spring. In the language of flowers they simbolize spring, rebirth, new beginnings, and friendship. The daffodil flower is used as the march birth month flower and the 10th wedding anniversary flower. There are 50 species in its family, and around 13000 hybrid varieties. Daffodil flowers are native to the mediterranean region in europe, but have been cultivated all over the world. Daffodils have one flower per stem. The daffodil flower has a trumpet-shaped corona surrounded by a ring of petals. The basic color is yellow, but daffodils also may come in many colors. Many daffodil flowers are fragrant. Daffodils are easy to grow. Daffodils are excellent for the shrub border, perennial beds and among ground covers.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is Mardi Gras ???

Mardi Gras means "Fat Tuesday." Traditionally, it is the last day for catholics to indulge - and often overindulgen - before Ash Wednesday starts the sober weeks of fasting that comes with lent. Formally known as Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras has long been a time of extravagant fun for european christians. In fact, some people think mardi gras celebrations have their source in the wild springtime orgies of the ancient roman. Related popular practices are associated with celebrations before the fasting and religious obligations associated with the penitential season of lent. Popular practices include wearing masks and costumes, overturning social conventions, dancing, sports competitions, parades, etc. Is celebrating the day and night with music, drinks, craziness, and by taking your shirt off. Is the celebration of the lifetime.

Mardi Gra Parade Day

I was so excited when my parents told me that we were going to the mardi gra parade in universal studios. I waited for many years and said " one day I will go to this parade and have so much fun" and it did happened. First we went to the park it was like three o'clock and it was a very hot day for me. We entered the park and everyone in their were dressed up normal with their beads and hats for the event. We rode all the attractions in the park and I was tired and hungry, so we kept walking. Finally we stopped and entered a store that sells mardi gra accessories because my father had to use the men's room. Me and my mom wanted to buy something in the store because we only necklaces, so we bought masks with light. It was six o'clock, so we entered this hamburger place that only serves hamburgers and a variety of sodas like vanilla coca-cola, orange sprite, vanilla sprite, grape coca-cola, etc. The hamburgers there were delicious, it was different from other hamburgers and there was a salad bar were I put all lettuce and tomatoes I want in the hamburger. When we finished eating we sat on the side walk were the parade was going to be. It was eight o'clock and the parade started, it was so beautiful that I recorded it all. Beads thrown at you collect them, confetti being pop out by surprise, beautiful floats passing around, people dressed up in the spirit of mardi gra, music put into load volume, and even drunk people were fascinating too. It's a wonderful experience that everyone should have in their memories and enjoy it with the family. ! CATCH THE BEADS, THE MUSIC, AND THE SPIRIT!!!!

Friday 2, 2012

It was a boring day for me. I was just sitting at home doing nothing, in my computer, and looking at my parents faces. I was doing laundry also and cleaning the house. The night came and we went to the contemporary hotel at disney to visit a friend of my father. He came to vacation for only 3 days with his wife and kids and had just arrived from the airport, so he invited us for dinner to see him. It was 9:30 pm and all the restaurants in the 4th floor were closed, so we went to the restaurant in the 1st floor that it was open until 11:00 pm. We went inside, sat in the table, looked at the menu, and ordered what we liked. The majority us in the table ordered pasta including me and the others, well, they ordered meat with potatoes. When everybody finished ordering their foods, we started talking to get to know each other and know a little bit of everyone. The food came and I started eating my pasta, and it was delicious a bit spicy, but delicious. We finished eating, paid the ticket, said our good byes, and everyone went home including me and my family. Even though my day was boring, my night was fun and interesting. Always have fun no matter what.!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why do people give flowers on Valentines?

With the air soon to be filled with the love of valentines day, you may be thinking that you need to head to the store for some flowers for your special valentines' day guy or gal. After all, even if you forget the present, forget the note, and forget the name of the person the flowers are meant for the one thing you should never forget is the valentines' day flowers. Flowers have been a special part of valentines' day for as long as most of us can remember. Maybe is because a red rose symbolizes love, maybe is because girls are supposed to like flowers, or maybe its because flowers are the easiest thing to grab in a hurry next to chocolate for those who do forget until they are about to head home. that's why!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

When I Celebrated Valentines' Day

On February 11, 2012 I celebrated Valentines Day with with my family and other relatives. We went to eat dinner at this restaurant called Columbian Restaurant in celebration were at first I thought this was columbian food but instead it was cuban and spanish cuisine too. So we entered the restaurant, got seated, but before we got seated I took pictures of them and me and told the weitress if she could take a picture of all in the table. When she left the table a weiter came and took are orders. I was so hungry that I did not know what to order. Everything was delicious and strange at the same time. I tried to decide whether to eat meat or seafood, so when the weiter came I ordered seafood with pasta and it was delicious of course. When we all finished eating and they took the plates my mom, dad, the relatives, and me, we all wanted a desert and ordered this lovely, caramel thing called Flan and UMMM!!! it was heavenly delicious too. Besides all that trayectory of food, ordering, and eating we talked for many hours until payment time and decided to walk around the beautiful celebration. That was not ti'll the cold wind stoke us and decided to leave and leave the walking for another less windy moment. we said our goodbyes, well I said my goodbyes in the car because it was freezing cold and so we fled to our homes with a great memory of another beautiful Valentines' Day.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Time in Old Town

Me and my family, we wen't to old town to past the time together and to antique cars and parade. First we were looking for parking but the parking lot was very full. My mom tried to pass the car line that was in the parking lot but when she tried she honked the car for the other that passing and the owner of the told her " shut up" and my mom well she said " you shut up" and we left. So after my mom found a parking we went to eat wings and pizza at Flippers Pizzeria, yet the food was delicious and the desert too, uuuummm!!!. We walked to see the cars and the stores. Looked at all the accessories they haved. There was one store I entered that I really liked, the store sells like weired rocks, dreamcachers, and even carved statues. And I only bought a rock necklace with the first letter of my first name and a matching rock ring with the first letter of my last name and its both very beautiful. And so keept walking, looking, and laughing. When we turned back to watch the car parade all the sidewalks were full that we had find a space to watch it and it was a very long parade that we were tired of standing up. We left the parade after it finished and went back home with all the great fine moments. Eating pizza was great but eating with my family, telling jokes, and walking with them to see old cars was even greater and i'm glad that took the time to be with them. Like I say " LIFE IS SHORT, LET EVERY MOMENT COUNT ".

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Did you know that there are more than 350 species of sharks? Some of the most common types of sharks are the Angel sharks, saw sharks, and cow sharks. Sharks have a strange fossil record consisting of mainly teeth. The Shark is also considered to be the perfect predator. Sharks come in different shapes and sizes. Sharks are also known to sometimes attack people. Some of the main types of sharks are the Angel sharks, Saw sharks, and Cow sharks. Squainiformes, or also known as the angel sharks, are caracterized by their ray like flatened bodies. This order has one family that is called squatindae that contains about 13 species. The maximum size that can be reached by any one of these species is 4-6 feet in lenght. Pristiophoriformes, which contains five species. These sharks are easy to reconize because they have an elongated blade like snout that is lined with sharp teeth along the edges, which gives them the name saw sharks. Hexanchiformes, or cow sharks, comprise of two families. They are recognized by their six or seven pairs of gill slits. And these sharks can often be found in deep waters.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


In school tired and sleepy but the only thing that kept my eyes open was the motivation to pursue what i want and not fail !!! ;):


By:Abraham Lincoln

When Life Brings You Lemons, You Do Lemonade, but if you don't it will follow you forever haha!!! o;)